Horizon Clinics's blog : What Are The Causes High Blood Sugar & How To Treat It?

Horizon Clinics's blog

Human body composition has sugar or glucose in their blood. 


However, blood glucose levels can make or break your health. 


Too much blood sugar can result in hyperglycemia or prediabetes.


Most of our blood sugar comes from our food, especially carbohydrates. 


Thus, you should always eat healthy and nutritional food to avoid any signs of Glucose intolerance


Adding to this, you must also know the causes of glucose intolerance to prevent and cure it as well as avoid any other health problems


For keeping blood sugar within the normal range, our body requires insulin. 


Insulin is a hormone in the body that controls glucose storage in the body’s cells. 


Thus, if the release of insulin is hampered the consequence can be high blood sugar.


It is important to know if you have high blood sugar or glucose intolerance so that you can treat it immediately.


Thus, let’s discuss the causes and symptoms of high blood sugar.


Causes of High Blood Sugar


A number of factors are responsible for high blood sugar. 


So, here are the most common causes for high blood sugar.


#1. Diabetes


 About 8% of the U.S population has diabetes and it happens due to insufficient insulin in the body resulting in high blood sugar levels.


#2. Hyperthyroidism


 It is a common lifestyle disorder that causes insulin resistance and high blood sugar.


#3. Stress


Stress has never done well for your body and in this case, too it is one of the common factors for hampering insulin secretion and high blood sugar.


#4. Food


Packaged food, high carb diet, and sugary sodas are the new food trend and it is also becoming the cause of high blood sugar.



#5. Oral Contraceptive


These pills can elevate the glucose level in your blood which in long term results in prediabetes.


#6. Underlying Health Conditions


Pancreatic disease, gestational diabetes, and endocrine conditions are some of the other possible causes of high blood sugar.


#7. Other Causes


Surgery or any sort of trauma and certain medications like diuretics and steroids are also some of the causes of high blood sugar. 


You can treat the cause only if you know the symptoms. 


Thus, let’s see How to know if you are glucose intolerant?


What Are The Symptoms Of Glucose Intolerance?


Can we detect when a person is glucose intolerant? What are the early signs of glucose intolerance?


Your body can communicate and you should always listen to it.


Thus, following glucose intolerance symptoms can help you understand when your body is trying to tell you about high blood sugar.


#1. Blood glucose is the fuel your body functions on. However, with high blood sugar, your body starts to exhaust faster.


#2. Headaches and body pains are other extremely common symptoms of high blood sugar.


#3. High Blood sugar can even cause vision impairments such as blurry vision.


#4. Nausea and dehydration can also be due to glucose intolerance.


#5. Loss in cognitive functioning like confusion and disorientation is also a very common symptom of high blood sugar.


Thus, these were the signs of Glucose intolerance that will help you treat high blood sugar faster. 


Now, let’s see how you can treat glucose intolerance.


Treatment For High Blood Sugar


If you have been thinking How to reduce blood sugar levels immediately


Then there are simple diet changes that you can incorporate to manage your glucose levels.


#1. Drink more water, it will make you urinate often but it flushes out sugar and toxins from your body.


#2. Be active, try to exercise at least 5 days a week to keep your blood circulation going.


#3. Get checked if you have been seeing any of the above symptoms and get medication.


#4. You need to change your eating habits if you have been diagnosed with high blood sugar.

Try to avoid very sweet, packaged, and oily food.


Thus, these were some Glucose intolerance diet changes as well as a lifestyle changes, which you will be required to keep in mind.




High Blood sugar is becoming a common lifestyle disease and it should be battled with lifestyle changes. 


The causes of High Blood sugar can be anything, but especially your food habits.


Thus, be cautious of what you eat and always be alert and look out for signs of glucose intolerance. 


Early detection can make it easier to treat and recover.


We hope we could help you provide knowledge and differentiate the causes of your blood sugar swings.

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