Horizon Clinics's blog : Proven Benefits of Eating Eggs Every Day for Breakfast

Horizon Clinics's blog

Eggs are a storehouse of proteins. These small balls of raw nutrition are often recommended by doctors as a part of a healthy breakfast.

But how many eggs are too many? What are the benefits and downfalls of eating eggs each day?

Is it bad to eat eggs everyday?

Let’s explore the benefits and demerits of eggs for skin, weight, hair, and, in general, for your health.

Benefits of Eating Eggs on an Empty Stomach

A single egg contains:

Vitamin A, Folate, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B2, Phosphorus, Selenium, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Calcium, Zinc, and Omega 3 fatty acids.

It has numerous benefits with nutritional values. It’s a protein-dense addition to your breakfast just like whole grains are good for dietary fiber.

Benefits of Eating Boiled Eggs Every Day

Nobody likes their mornings full of hassle. By the time of breakfast, we lose the track of time nearly every day.

In an average American diet, eggs are part of the diet. So, why not start with this delicacy early morning.

Hard-boiled eggs are the easiest way to prepare your breakfast. With numerous benefits, it tops the list of nutritious and convenient breakfast foods.

Here are some of the Benefits of Eating Eggs Everyday:

#1. Helps with Weight Loss

Intake of an egg helps with weight loss as it keeps the stomach full for a good while. It ensures no snacking which is often the reason for weight gain.

#2. Increased Metabolism

Metabolism is boosted by digestion. Eggs have complex proteins that keep the body busy in the digestion process. Therefore, metabolism increases naturally.

#3. Suppressed Appetite

An increase in appetite is natural when we feel hungry. Though, the sugary snack that you eat with an increased appetite can be avoided when you eat an egg as it keeps you full for longer.

#4. Brain stimulation

Eggs are a superfood, period. They stimulate brain nerves and make the cognitive process better. That’s why eggs are often recommended for growing kids and adults.

In spite of all these benefits, one question people often ask is Does Eating Eggs Everyday Cause Diabetes. Actually, the answer depends on how many eggs you eat a day.

What Happens When You Eat Eggs Everyday?

Here are some of the benefits of everyday egg consumption in the different areas of your health.

The Benefits of Eggs for Skin

Eggs not only help with weight loss but also are a great booster for hair and skin.

Eggs rejuvenate the skin texture. They can also be applied to dry or oily skin, regardless. The fatty and omega acids moisturize skin. The proteins tighten pores and remove excess oil. They leave an impactful effect and tighten skin like anything.

Who Should Avoid Eggs?

#1. Heart risk patients

The presence of omega fats and proteins may increase the risk of heart disease and clog in arteries. It is advisable to get a doctor’s suggestions first and then eat eggs for breakfast.

#2. Diabetic patients

Diabetic patients need to have a strict diet with necessary portions all through the day. Eating eggs may make them full for longer and delay digestion. 

#3. Cancer patients

The presence of complex nutrients in eggs is not recommended for cancer patients. Eating simple meals is their way to go. So, eggs are not recommended.

#4. High cholesterol

Eggs cause triglycerides and bad cholesterol to increase. Again, a recommendation and consultation from a doctor is required for high cholesterol patients.

Wrapping Up

Eggs are a vital part of the diet. But too much of anything is bad, even wholesome foods like eggs, especially for patients with diabetes and blood pressure. Eating eggs for breakfast makes for a hefty meal. 

It’s important to have a good breakfast to sustain energy for the day. 

However, excessive egg intake may hike the chances of triglycerides increase and cardiovascular diseases. Keeping a check on protein intake is necessary for adult life. Athletes and fitness enthusiasts often associate their diet with protein. However, they should be particular about their egg consumption limit too.

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On: 2021-02-08 12:27:40.632 http://jobhop.co.uk/blog/10713/proven-benefits-of-eating-eggs-every-day-for-breakfast