Horizon Clinics's blog : How Does Diet Affect Depression and Anxiety? [Tips That Work]

Horizon Clinics's blog

Nowadays depression affects many people, especially youths, and can be life-changing. Medical treatment and counseling can often help in relieving its symptoms, but lifestyle remedies.

 such as a healthful diet, can boost a person’s well-being.

However, there is no specific diet to treat depression, but eating more of some foods and less or none of the others can help in managing their symptoms.

In this article, we look at some food that helps battle depression and nutrients that may be beneficial, and some that people should avoid.

What Are the Best Foods to Fight Depression?

Anxiety symptoms can make you feel unwell and unhappy. Recovering from anxiety can also be a challenge and requires some serious lifestyle changes.

There isn't any specific anti depression diet plan that can cure anxiety, but watching what you eat may help. So, below we have made a list of some best foods that fight depression and make you feel happier.

#1. Zinc

Zinc helps the body to perceive taste, but it also boosts the immune system and may influence depression.

Moreover, some studies have suggested people with depression and anxiety have a low level of zinc in their body and that zinc supplementation may help antidepressants work more effectively.

Zinc-rich foods include:

        whole grains


        beef, chicken, and pork


        nuts and pumpkin seeds

Zinc supplements are also available in health food stores and pharmacies.

#2. Selenium

Some studies have suggested that increasing selenium intake might help in improving mood and reduce anxiety, which may make depression more manageable.

Selenium rich foods include:

        whole grains

        Brazil nuts

        some seafood

        organ meats, such as liver

#3. Vitamin D

According to studies, Vitamin D may help to improve symptoms of depression. Since, people obtain most of their vitamin D through sunlight, taking dietary sources of Vitamin D is also important.

Foods that can provide vitamin D include:

        oily fish

        fortified dairy products

        beef liver


Vitamin D supplements are also available for purchase in health food shops and pharmacies.

#4. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

According to some studies omega-3 fatty acids might help with depression, however, more studies are necessary to confirm this.

Consuming omega-3 fatty acids might also help to reduce the risk of mood disorders and brain diseases. It enhances brain function and preserves the myelin sheath that protects nerve cells.

Good sources of omega-3 fatty acids are:

        cold-water fish, such as salmon, sardines, tuna, and mackerel

        flaxseed, flaxseed oil, and chia seeds


Supplements of Omega-3 are also available in health food shops and pharmacies.

#5. Antioxidants

Vitamins A, C, and E contain substances called antioxidants that help in removing free radicals from the body. These free radicals are the waste products of natural bodily processes that can build up in the body.

If the body cannot eliminate enough free radicals, oxidative stress can develop and can lead to a number of health problems, including anxiety and depression.

However, a study suggested that consuming the vitamin that provides antioxidants may help to reduce symptoms of anxiety in people with generalized anxiety disorder.

Some of the good sources of antioxidants are fresh, plant-based foods, such as berries.

A diet that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, soy, and other plant products may also help in reducing stress-related symptoms of depression.

Moreover, these are the best superfoods for depression.

Weight Management

Obesity might increase the risk of depression. This increased risk is may be due to the hormonal and immunological changes that occur in people with obesity.

An overweight person may wish to consult their doctor or a dietitian about ways to manage their weight, as there is also evidence that weight loss may reduce the risk of depression.

Foods to Avoid

Some foods may aggravate the symptoms of depression. Such foods include:


        Refined foods

        Processed oils


So, this was all about foods that battle depression. Following this above-mentioned diet chart that is low in processed food may help improve symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Other tips that may help to reduce depression and anxiety include:

        getting at least 150 minutes of physical exercise each week

        spending time outdoors with friends or family

        getting 7–8 hours of sound sleep in every 24 hours

To Sum Up

Making changes to your dietary habits and lifestyle may make some difference to your general mood or sense of well-being, but proper treatment can’t be ignored.

Lifestyle changes, such as improving sleep habits, increasing social support, using stress-reduction techniques, and practicing yoga or doing regular exercise, also may help. Just be patient and calm.

It may take some time for changes to occur or have an effect on your anxiety.

However, if your anxiety is severe or if it interferes with your daily activities or life, you may need to seek counseling (psychotherapy), medication, or other treatment, as soon as possible.

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On: 2021-04-16 13:35:30.194 http://jobhop.co.uk/blog/10713/how-does-diet-affect-depression-and-anxiety-tips-that-work