Horizon Clinics's blog : How to get rid of tired eyes naturally? | Cure Droopy Eyes

Horizon Clinics's blog

After a long day, you might feel a little tiredness in your eyes. Too much sleep or too little sleep, allergies, spending too much time in front of digital devices, and over-exposure to strong light are just a few of the reasons that contribute to tired-looking eyes.

But, the main concern is how to get rid of tired eyes?

Do not worry. There are ways in which you can get rid of such tiredness in your eyes. In this blog, we will tell you how to get rid of tired eyes in the morning with some of the natural methods to opt.

How to Get Rid of Tired Eyes Naturally?

Droopy eyelids are a common issue among people and there are certain ways in which you can treat it. We will discuss some of the most effective and natural ways on How to rejuvenate tired eyes.

So, how to get rid of tired eyes? And here is your answer:

      Splash your eyes – Splash your closed eyes 10 times with warm water first thing in the morning. Warm water opens your pores and draws nutritious blood to the surface of your skin. The cold water tightens your skin and seals your pores, preventing debris and cosmetics from irritating your skin.


     Massage –Massage increases blood flow to your muscles and skin. The increased blood flushes away any pollutants that have accumulated overnight. Your skin will smooth out and appear less puffy when your muscles are less strained.


    Sleep 8 hours in a day – Your eyes will seem tired no matter what you do if you do not get a decent night's sleep. If you do not get enough sleep for several nights in a succession, you may have redness, dehydration, skin imbalances, wrinkles, and breakouts.


      Follow a healthy diet – Vitamin C in fruit protects your skin and eyes from free radicals that can harm your sensitive tissue. Fruit and vegetables rick in Vitamin A and vitamin B12 will ensure that your eyes and the skin surrounding them receive the nutrients they require to remain healthy.


      Palm your eyes – Warm up your skin by rubbing your palms together for a few seconds. Place your palms over your eyes and close your eyes. Hold this position for five deep breathing cycles. Deep breathing enhances circulation and oxygen intake, both of which are beneficial to your skin and eyesight.


    Eye exercises – Imagine floating in front of you a giant analogue clock. For a count of two, stare at the middle. Then shift your gaze to the 12 o'clock position. Hold this stance for two counts, and then return your gaze to the centre. After that, adjust your gaze to three o'clock. Hold this stance for two counts, and then return your gaze to the centre. Continue around the clock to the six and nine o'clock positions, holding each for two counts.

All the above mentioned methods are proven ways to get rid of tired eyes naturally. If you follow them, you can counter tired eyes and feel active throughout the day.

Along with tired eyes, some people also complain about droopy eyelids. That to is a problem which leads to a lot of discomfort. However, surgery is a popular way to get rid of it. But, if you don't prefer surgery then you can look out for ways how to cure droopy eyelids without surgery

Exercises are the most effective and long-term beneficial method to get that naturally healthy eyes, let’s get to know about some of these droopy eyelid exercises.

Droopy Eyelid Exercises

Ptosis, or pathologic droopy eyelid, can be caused by trauma, ageing, or a variety of medical conditions. In most of the conditions, this gets away without any treatment.

Clinical treatment is needed when the condition is chronic and permanent. But people look for how to get rid of ptosis naturally?

You can make it possible with some of the most effective droopy eyelid exercises.

      Muscle activation at its most basic

Direct stimulation, such as through focussed eye movement or the use of a stimulating device like an electric toothbrush, may assist to minimise ptosis.


      Workout with resistance

Raise your brows, place a finger behind them, and hold them up for several seconds at a time while attempting to close them. This process is similar to how weight resistance works in strength training.


      Yoga eye exercise Trataka

The Trataka yogic eye exercise is well-known in the Ayurveda world for improving overall eye health and eyesight. This practise can affect a lot to cure the condition of droopy eyelids.

If your droopy eyelids are interfering with your ability to see or function, and exercises for droopy eyelids haven't helped, talk to your doctor about medication options.


So, here come to an end of our blog on how to get rid of tired eyes.

Droopy eyelids are a common occurrence. They're most commonly caused by ageing, and exercising may be able to help strengthen them.

If the droop is more severe or appears quickly, it could be the result of Botox injections gone wrong, an injury, or an illness. A variety of medical therapies are available that may be beneficial.

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