Nick Dow's blog : Why you should call a lawyer immediately if you are injured

Nick Dow's blog

Injuries during icy conditions

Who is responsible for snow removal in American cities, and should these authorities be held accountable when a person is injured due to ice or snow?

It is the responsibility of homeowners and municipal authorities to remove snow and ice, so it is possible to prove their responsibility if a person falls on the street. In this case, everything depends on each specific situation, the evidence collected and the ability to bring the case to court. Additionally, where exactly the incident occurred is important, as different states and cities have different interpretations of laws related to snow and ice removal.

What is the situation, for example, in New York?

In New York City, business owners and management of apartment buildings are required to clear snow and ice from their entire property, as well as from adjacent walkways and sidewalks. The city is responsible for clearing snow on highways and near municipal facilities. So, if you fall and get injured, these agencies may be responsible, but they need time to clear the snow and ice. If you went for a run at 6:00, and it snowed at night or everything became icy, then only you are responsible for the fall. The situation will be different at noon, and only on the condition that the authorities responsible for cleaning had enough time to carry it out. According to New York law, responsible authorities are not required to clear snow during a snowfall.


What to do if you fall due to ice or snow outside?

If you slip and fall due to uncleared snow or ice, you should call 911 and take photos of the scene. The photo taken on the phone will have the date and time, which is very important in the legal process. A few hours can make all the difference in determining responsibility for an incident. In addition, snow and ice may melt before filing a claim, and then it will be extremely difficult to prove anything without a photo. If someone came up to you during a fall, helped you up, or called 911, try to get this person's contact information, their testimony can play an important role in court.

Workplace injuries

What to do if you are injured at work?

After an accident at work (injuries most often occur in construction), it is very important to immediately begin working with an attorney. Some people mistakenly believe that their company is dedicated to protecting their interests after an accident at work. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Most companies want to limit their legal liability for employee injuries as much as possible. Some companies ask employees to sign a form releasing the employer from liability for the accident. Never sign anything before speaking with a lawyer.

What compensation can you get from your employer if you are injured at work?

According motorcycle accident attorney in addition to compensation for the injury itself, an attorney can help you seek financial compensation for lost wages. Few workers can survive more than a few months without an income. However, few companies themselves offer to pay for missed time while the worker recovers from injuries.

Our company has experience successfully negotiating wage loss compensation, which can significantly improve a client's financial situation.

Hitting a pedestrian at a crossing

Can a pedestrian somehow improve their level of safety at a pedestrian crossing or is this solely the responsibility of the driver?

Pedestrians can take precautions when crossing the street, and in a busy city like New York, this is always a great idea. First of all, you need to do everything possible so that the driver sees you. You should not wear dark clothes if you go outside in the dark. Always look both ways before crossing the street, and don't walk across the street while scrolling through your phone or while doing something else.

On: 2024-04-28 04:42:02.654