Nick Dow's blog : Potency enhancing products

Nick Dow's blog

Potency enhancing products

Erectile dysfunction in men, insufficient genital response or decreased potency - all these are names of the same disorder in the sexual sphere. In about 80% of cases, it is not necessary to take popular drugs to increase potency, since the cause of the dysfunction is the presence of another disease: blood pressure surges, diabetes, vascular atherosclerosis, high cholesterol in the blood, etc. Taking strong drugs, bad habits, stress, depression, constant fatigue and lack of sleep can also affect both health in general and the quality of sexual life separately.

Having noticed difficulties in achieving an erection, you should not immediately suspect that you have erectile dysfunction and immediately start taking drugs that affect only potency. Insufficiency of the genital response can be diagnosed only with a stable trend - if the dysfunction persists for several weeks and months. It is quite possible that men experiencing certain difficulties in the sexual sphere need rest, a change of pace of life, getting rid of smoking, any addiction, reducing stress levels.

What are the drugs for potency?

Conventionally, all drugs can be divided into two types - tablets and other dosage forms that affect the cause of the dysfunction, and types of drugs that promote short-term improvement of potency. In the first case, complex treatment is carried out with an impact on the cause of the disorder: taking into account the results of tests, possible contraindications. Complex treatment is carried out, affecting precisely the cause that caused the manifestation of the disorder in sexual life. This can be a psychogenic factor, organic causes (diseases) and mixed forms - for example, a chronic disease that caused stress experienced during the recovery period. Elimination of the underlying disorder most often leads to the restoration of the previous quality of sexual life, but rehabilitation after complex operations and diseases is more likely to require drug correction. 

It is impossible to cure the cause of dysfunction with means for one-time improvement of genital reaction, since such compositions are not medicinal and lead only to a short-term increase in libido and erection.

Drugs for the complex treatment of erectile dysfunction

Signs of such a condition in men are decreased libido (sexual desire), insufficient genital elasticity (weak erection), accelerated ejaculation. Before prescribing drugs for potency, an examination is carried out: organic causes of dysfunction are established and only then, depending on the disease detected, a treatment plan is selected. A conversation with a psychologist will also be useful, since prolonged nervous tension can also lead to a decrease in libido.

In the absence of organic and psychological causes, cavernosography is performed - an X-ray of the vessels of the penis. The study allows detecting the presence of fibrous plaques that block blood flow to the organ. With the help of cavernosography, the doctor receives the most complete information about the state of the venous system. 

In complex treatment, men are always prescribed a group of medications based on the test results.

Androgens – hormonal drugs: Proviron, Andriol.

Mesterolone, Testosterone - active substances, compensate for the lack of testosterone in the body, a means for stimulating libido, affecting erection. Additionally, with testosterone preparations, the mass of proteins in the body increases, which leads to the growth of muscle tissue. The work of the pineal gland is restored (among others, it is responsible for sexual function), the formation of red blood cells is restored (hematopoiesis is normalized). 

Prostaglandins – vasodilators, antithrombotic: Edex, Muse, Alprostan, Vazostenon, VAP-500, etc.

The active substance of the drugs is Alprostadil, which, when treating erectile dysfunction, dilates the cavernous arteries (in the cavernous body of the penis), which stimulates rapid blood flow to the organ, while reducing venous blood outflow, resulting in improved erection. Also, blood circulation and blood oxygen saturation generally improve, which has a positive effect on overall sexual tone and the condition of the body as a whole. Each drug can be used in a course of up to 3-4 months.

General tonics 

Any general tonic, especially of plant origin, has an effect on the central nervous system, improves metabolic processes, endocrine regulation. Against the background of such changes in men, the severity of the body's adaptation to the effects of unfavorable factors increases. In addition, there is an improvement in performance, and signs of rapid fatigue, asthenia are noticeably reduced, eliminating excessive nervous excitability.

Tablets are usually not produced, general tonics are most often produced in the form of tinctures, liquid extracts, less often - injection solutions, if we are talking about synthetic combined compositions (Dibazol, Bendazol). This group does not directly affect the improvement of potency like Cialis, but has a vasodilatory, immunostimulating, adaptogenic effect on the body.

Examples of general tonic drugs

Tablets and capsules for one-time improvement of potency

This group of potency drugs can be used both as an independent, separate remedy, and as an element of combination therapy prescribed by a doctor. In the second case, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the specialist's recommendations, since many pills that briefly improve erection stimulate blood circulation, which may not be compatible with taking other pills that have a vasodilatory effect.

On: 2024-08-18 11:20:02.792