Nick Dow's blog : Transfer for employees: pros and cons

Nick Dow's blog

Transporting employees to or from train stations, stations and airports is called transfer. An enterprise can organize it on its own, using its own vehicles and employees. If there is no vehicle fleet, you can order a transfer service from us. We provide services at any time of the day, which is convenient when flights arrive at night.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before ordering Bologna to Ravenna transfer, let’s look at its positive and negative aspects.


  1. Visitors will be transported to the right place in an organized manner: no one will get lost in the city or be delayed on the way. All employees will arrive on time at transport hubs for flights or will be taken to the hotel for negotiations.
  2. The cost is lower than ordering a taxi: ordering one large bus for a group of people is cheaper than several taxi cars.
  3. A non-stop trip: the journey will be comfortable, since you will not have to change several modes of transport. You will not need to rely on public transport operating hours.

  4. Choosing transport to suit the needs of the company: you can independently choose a bus or minibus that will correspond to the number of employees, their status, and the size of luggage.

  5. Transport options: if necessary, you can choose a vehicle with air conditioning, wi-fi, television and other amenities to make the trip comfortable.

  6. Meeting with a nameplate: If you have to pick up employees from the airport or train station, a driver with a nameplate will be waiting in advance. Thanks to this, employees will not get lost in a large crowd, among the rest of the flow of people.
  7. Saving time when organizing events, corporate trips and business trips: when the transportation of employees is organized, it is easier to draw up a plan for further actions; you will not depend on wasted travel time on public transport.


  1. Unprofitable for a small group of people: if you need to transport two employees by transfer, it is better to choose a company that rents not only buses, but also cars. Only in this case, the delivery of employees will be cheaper, because it is illogical to order a large bus with high travel costs for a small group.
  2. You need to book transport in advance: we work by prior arrangement. In it you need to agree on the exact time and date of the trip.
  3. When ordering transport for a short period like from, you will have to pay for a minimum of 6 hours: 4 hours is the minimum time for renting transport in our company and 2 hours for the delivery of the bus. However, if we have entered into a long-term contract, the minimum rental period can be reduced.

Order services or buy your own bus

Many employers are concerned about the issue of benefits. Before concluding an agreement for the transfer of employees or buying your own bus, you need to consider this issue from all sides.

At first glance, it seems that maintaining your own fleet of vehicles will be cheaper than ordering services from a transport company. But this is a misconception. In addition to maintaining the transport, the company will need to provide constant technical inspection and hire employees and drivers. These are additional expenses. You will also have to organize your own transport parking, which will be expensive in the capital.

For small companies, maintaining their own fleet of vehicles is definitely not practical. As for large enterprises, it depends on the decision of the manager and the payback. But if vehicles are needed only to organize a transfer once a month or six months, buying your own bus is an unjustified expense.

A profitable solution would be to conclude an agreement with our company. We comply with all transportation rules. You don't have to worry about the technical condition of the buses. There are already drivers behind the wheel with more than 10 years of driving experience, so there is no need to hire additional personnel. As a result, it turns out that ordering a transfer for employees from us is much cheaper and easier than maintaining your own fleet of vehicles.


On: 2024-05-07 04:04:31.073