Harper Smith's blog : Reasons You Need To Venture Into Beekeeping Business

Harper Smith's blog

Are you looking for a great business idea that will make you rich quickly? Then it would be best if you thought about beekeeping. Beekeeping is among the few businesses that require little capital to start and yet offer huge returns. It’s also one of those businesses where you can work at home and take care of your family while still making good money. The honey produced by bees is helpful for cooking and sweetening and is also one of the best all-around health foods known to man. Most people don't realize that when bees are kept in confinement, they inevitably turn to using artificial sources of sugar as a substitute for the complex carbohydrates found in the nectar and pollen, which is their main diet. Below are some of the top reasons you need to venture into the beekeeping business and help you answer if “is beekeeping profitable? They include;

1. Honey is easy to store and transport

Unlike other sweeteners such as sugar, honey does not go bad and keeps for a very long time. It does not crystallize or get soggy like sugar, so you can put jars of it on a shelf and forget about it. Also, honey is less viscous than sugar because it has fairly high water content, making it easy to pack into small containers and pour from one container to another. That means you do not have to worry about the honey getting out of the jar and flowing around the room until it crystallizes. Another plus is that, unlike sugar, honey does not attract ants and other insects that can potentially spoil the rest of your honey supply.

2. You do not need much capital to get started

Yes, you will need to purchase a few bees and a hive, but that's all. For example, if you start with a 10-frame medium-sized Lang troth hive, you will spend around $60 to $70 for all equipment needed to get going. From there, you can begin making sales to your customers almost immediately. And, if you decide to sell only in bulk, you can get crazy with regards to the amount of money you can save for a year.

3. There are many types of honey you can sell

One of the things people often do not realize is that there are more than 50 different varieties of honey produced by bees. These honey varieties have different colors and flavors, and each one is an essential part of a healthy diet. Indeed, some people are even starting to believe that eating only honey may benefit your overall health.

4. You do not need to advertise or depend on others for success

You see, bees are highly social insects, and they will do all the work required for your business for free. You need to provide them with a place to live and gather the food they need to survive. Plus, because of the nature of their work, they require very little housing and feeding. Thus, if done correctly, a solitary beekeeper can produce up to 100 kilograms (220 pounds) of honey per year from a single hive.

5. There is a virtually endless market for honey

Recent statistics show that more than 60% of all people in North America already use some honey as a sweetener. That means there is a nearly inexhaustible market for all of the honey you can produce. Theneed for unprocessed honey is so huge that it has been estimated there is a global demand for as much as three billion dollars worth of this product alone.


If you have the ability and desire to get into the beekeeping business, you should seriously consider doing so. Not only will this business provide you with an almost unlimited supply of the world's best all-natural sweetener, but it will also allow you to work with and genuinely help nature. Plus, it will enable you to sell tons of this valuable product to your customers at a meager price.

  • Expert
On: 2021-12-10 06:11:05.655 http://jobhop.co.uk/blog/harper18/reasons-you-need-to-venture-into-beekeeping-business