Waqar Ali's blog : Are You a Legitimate Email Marketer?
Because of enormous spam email flooding the inboxes,
subscribers are losing sense to differentiate between legit or spam email. They
tend to click on 'Mark as Spam' button so often.
So you, as a legit email marketer follow some priciples that keeps you in a position to defend yourself:
1. Strict opt-in list : Yes... strict. The mailing list softwre should be configured for double opt-in. The subscriber has to confirm his subscription by clicking on a link.
I also recommend once in a while sweeping out of the bad email addresses to keep server resources in limit.
2. Get subscribers details : Your software should capable of recording details like ip of the subscriber, date and time, url of subscription form. This way you can keep a Spf flattening of subscriptions.
You can keep these details in every email, so your subscriber knows that you are not sending spam. Less chances of hitting spam button.
3. Keep unsubscribe link in every out going email : Give your subscriber a chance to remove himself from your list. Afterall, you don't want your ip/website to be banned by ISPs. Right?
State clearly to unsubscribe using the same email address if he is going for email unsubscription.
4. Display your physical address in the emails : Let your subscriber know that you are not a fake. Either your business or personal address. Phone number is your option. Some people prefer to publish their phone numbers but some don't.
5. Don't put misleading information : In subject of the emails or in displaying links in the messages don't mislead them. Give an idea for the subscriber on what he is going view once he opens your email or click a link. For example, don't keep link like 'Get free software' and link it to a MLM site.
6. Keep an abuse/spam complaint form on your web site : Keep an email or a form to send you spam or abuse complaints. Take these emails seriously. If it is a complaint by mistake, try to contact the person to explain that your list is compliant with antispam rules. Keep a privacy/antispam policy on your website and make sure you follow it!
7. Set up SPF record : You host can help you with this. SPF records indicate which mail servers are permitted to send email with a particular 'From' email address. Email clients like AOL, Hotmail etc. check the Spf flattening record of the email originating domain. Example - If you send email from yourdomain.com with 'webmaster AT anotherdomain.com' it will be rejected as email client think, you are a spammer. So always use the same email in 'From' address from which the email is going.