Waqar Ali's blog : A Guide to Online Book Selling Expenses

Waqar Ali's blog

My expenses are just that, MY expenses. You may or may not incur such expenses if you are beginning or your expenses may be even greater if you're an expert at this by now. Either way, prehistoric bronze finds I hope that you will grab some ideas or "Ah Ha!" moments while reading this material.

I will break these expenses down into 3 different categories: monthly recurring expenses, recurring as needed expenses and one time expenses with mandatory and optional expenses in each. In each of these categories I will explain each expense I have, how much I'm spending and other expenses that you may see when running a successful online book selling business.

Monthly Recurring Expenses

Mandatory Expenses

Internet Connection - An Internet connection will be the crux of your business. This is what the online part is all about! A high speed connection is crucial for your business and your sanity because you will spend a significant. Call your local phone carrier or your cable TV provider to get a DSL or cable modem connection RIGHT NOW if you haven't already. If you're not in an area that can get a high speed connection, I don't think this business is for you. That is how important this is. I pay $40/month for my cable modem connection not only for my business but also for personal use as well.

Utilities - Utilities are also an obvious mandatory expense because you need to put your books in a climate controlled area. Typically, this area is a home you're already living in but for some, like me, it is a small warehouse. I pay a portion of the utilities to my sister that lives in the home connected to this small warehouse. My electrical cost is about $50/month when split with my sister, but your will obviously be different than mine.

Optional Expenses

Venue Listing Fees - When you just have a few books to sell, most sites will let you list your books for free with no listing fees or monthly fees. However, once you start getting an inventory in the thousands, sites such as Amazon, Alibris and Abebooks will want some monthly fee. The fee for Amazon is the Pro Merchant fee which is $40/month. This fee gives you a ton of great benefits. You can read all about them on Amazon's merchant help page. Alibris has it's Gold program for volume sellers which is a monthly fee I pay and Abebooks has $25/month fee to list books on their site which I also pay. Other sites vary on the monthly fees they charge.

Multi-Venue Listing/Order Service - I subscribe to a service called Fillz. This costs me $50/month + 1.4% of sales but is invaluable to me. This site allows me to upload my inventory to one site and have it dispersed on 10 different sites. It keeps all my inventory in sync as well as downloading all my orders in one place. If you want to become a volume seller, a service like this is crucial. Another service that is similar to this is The Art of Books.

Book Scouting Services - If you're going to be looking for great inventory at cheap prices, you will need to subscribe to a book scouting service. I subscribe to Scoutpal for my offline PDA book scout software as well as my online book scouting. Other services such as this include Neatoscan and Media Scouter.

Online Postage Vendor - This is another life saver for me and for any volume seller. This prevents you from having to wait in line at the post office and it will also save you some money! Printing postage online is extremely important to me as a volume seller! This service costs me $16/month. I use Endicia which I HIGHLY recommend. This service is bar none the best around and is pretty much the industry standard.

Recurring as Needed Expenses

Mandatory Expenses

Shipping/Packing Supplies - This is an unfortunate expense of shipping books. You have to have something to ship them in and buy the supplies that go along with it. I buy bubble mailers for all of my books except for the more expensive ones that require a box. Mailers are the cheapest way to go yet still provide adequate protection for your books. Included in this section is also packing tape. You always want to take one strip of packing tape on top of the bubble mailers sticky surface just for good measure. Packing tape will also be required if you choose to print postage online and don't have a label printer. You will then have to print out your packing slips and labels on plain copy paper, which is also a necessary expense. I used to get my shipping supplies at Uline but I started using Royal Mailers a few months ago and haven't looked back. You can get to them by clicking on the banner on the left hand side of the screen. They offer cheap pricing, free shipping and have just about anything you'd ever want in terms of shipping and packing supplies. Unfortunately, I don't know my expenses in this category off the top of my head but I would estimate $300/month.

Book Inventory - IMPORTANT! If you don't continually refresh your inventory your business will fail! Spend wisely in this category. You can get inventory online, thrift stores, yard sales, estate sales, auctions and a slew of other places. Be frugal yet try to find out what you can get from the book you buy by using book scouting tools.

Postage - Postage is another necessary evil. You will pay for postage on everything you send out. You can save on postage by buying postage through Endicia, but it's still going to be one of the biggest expenses you will see as an online book seller.

Optional Expenses

Labels - If you choose to save some time and buy a Zebra label printer you will have to buy labels for it. The label printer will save you tons of time. I just about 8,000 labels for $135 at Royal Mailers. Not too bad at all for saving me tons of time and headache!

One Time Expenses

Mandatory Expenses

Book Storage - Your initial costs will always be a lot compared to your ongoing costs. Book storage is one of those. You will need a lot of room to store all of your books. I made my book shelves so the cost was minimal to me. All it took was a few cinder blocks and some sturdy boards. If you don't want to go through all that hassle, you can always just buy some rudimentary bookshelves.

Computer - Another obvious expense here. You will have to have a computer in order to run this business. I recommend a newer computer with at least a Pentium Dual Core processor with 2GB of RAM and a nice 19? flat panel monitor. You can always get by with less horsepower but since you will most likely spend a lot of time on the computer, just splurge and buy something nice. It will be worth it.

Laser Printer - I started out with an inkjet printer and it was terrible! I would try to print out packing slips and online postage and the ink would smear and it would run out very quickly. Not to mention the ink was expensive! Get yourself a nice laser printer. I bought mine on Amazon.

Optional Expenses

Label Printer - This is optional but I highly recommend one. This little guy has saved me tons of time. I recommend the Zebra LP-2844 printer. I've used one for a few months now and it has been very solid.

USB Bar Code Scanner - A USB bar code scanner helps me scan books quickly when I'm looking up prices. I have a strategy where I buy a bunch of books site unseen and then take them back to price them. It's a little risky sometimes, but it has paid off. This scanner allows me to scan each book without typing in the ISBN number in Scoutpal. I use the Adesso Ccd Contact Barcode Scanner USB Light Rugged Design Black and it works flawlessly.

Blue Tooth/Socket Portable Scanner - This is a must if you buy book scouting software. This scanner allows you to scan book on the fly while you are out in the field at a Friends of the Library book sale, auction or yard sale somewhere. You can scan each book you see if it has a bar code to quickly see the price it is going at. I use and recommend the Microvision Flic Cordless Bar Code Scanner.

PDA for Book Scouting - If book scouting this is a requirement as well to go with your trusty scanner. You have a few different options here but I use a Windows Mobile PDA running Windows Mobile 6.0. This is a little pricey, but will pay for itself in no time since you will be knowing how much a book is worth BEFORE you buy it.

You will find out that some of the optional expenses save you time, some save you money and some make you more money! It is up to you to decide how much you have and want to invest in order to pump resources into this business.

You'll see that I have spent thousands of dollars in my business but at the same time, if you also look at my recent blog post about my sales, you'll see that I'm making up for my expenses very quickly. As you can see there are a number of different expenses that you will need to be looking at. The more money you want to make in this business, the more money you will need to be spending thus the more complicated your business will become. I have prehistoric bronze finds accumulated all of my expenses over the year or so I've been doing this but started out with just the mandatory expenses. Don't get overwhelmed with all of these. Simply take them one at a time and if you want to sell more books take them one at a time building on top of one another.

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