Jokoye Pikoniko
Food has the power to transport us to far-flung places, trigger memories, and evoke emotions. It is a constant source of inspiration, representing the rich tra
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Food possesses the power to take us on a journey through its aromas, tastes, textures, colors, and flavors. It has the ability to transport us to distant places, evoke cherished memories, and evoke a sense of timelessness.


From town to town.
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Catering jakarta

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My personal culinary journey began at a young age, as I developed a passion for a wide range of foods. Working in the hospitality industry from the age of 15, I had the opportunity to explore different cuisines, cooking techniques, and ingredients while living in the French Alps and traveling throughout Europe and Asia. From savoring wild boar ragu in a mountain refuge to indulging in exquisite pintxos in San Sebastian and savoring delectable dishes from roadside stalls in Thailand, f

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