Jobhop Jobhop's blog : How To Attract Talent By Posting Good Content

Jobhop Jobhop's blog

As an employer, one of the keys to attracting top talent is having a strong, compelling online presence. This means having a well-designed website, up-to-date social media accounts and high-quality, engaging content that showcases your company's culture and values.

How can you create content that attracts top talent? 

Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Make sure your content aligns with your company values and culture. This is especially important if you're trying to attract candidates who are looking for a company that aligns with their own values and goals. Consider sharing content that showcases your company's mission, values, and social responsibility efforts. You can also share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your company, highlighting the type of company culture you offer to employees.

Focus on creating engaging, visually appealing content that will gain attention quickly. In today's digital world, people are bombarded with content from all sides, and it can be tough to stand out. This means using high-quality images, videos, infographics or other visual aids to make your content more engaging.

Share content that demonstrates your company's expertise and thought leadership. One way to attract top talent is to show that your company is a leader in your industry. Consider sharing content that demonstrates your company's expertise – this might include blog posts, articles, or videos that demonstrate your company's research, statistics or insights. You can also share content that highlights your company's involvement in industry events or thought leadership initiatives.

The more people who see and share your content, the more exposure your company will get. Encourage your employees to share posts and engage with them.  Better still, is if your employees create their own posts on why it's great to work at the company because people are more likely to trust employees than posts sent out by the marketing team.

Make sure to engage with your followers and encourage them to share your content – this might mean responding to comments, asking for feedback, or offering incentives for sharing your content.

To illustrate these points, consider the following case study:

Kate is the marketing manager at a small software company in the UK. She's been tasked with finding ways to attract top talent to the company, and she decides to focus on creating high-quality content to showcase the company's culture and values.

First, Kate makes sure that all of the content she creates aligns with the company's values and culture. She shares behind-the-scenes glimpses of the office, highlights company events and outings, and showcases the company's commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. She also focuses on creating visually appealing content, using high-quality images and videos to make her content more engaging.

Next, Kate starts sharing content that demonstrates the company's expertise and thought leadership. She writes a series of blog posts that highlight the company's research and insights, and she shares articles and videos that showcase the company's involvement in industry events and thought leadership initiatives. She also starts using infographics and other visual aids to make her content more engaging and easy to digest.

Finally, Kate starts engaging with her followers and encouraging them to share her content. She responds to comments and asks for feedback, and she even offers incentives for followers who share her content. As a result of these efforts, Kate finds that her content starts getting a lot of traction and exposure. She starts receiving many enquiries from potential candidates who are interested in learning more about the company and what it's like to work there.

In conclusion, creating high-quality content can be a powerful way for employers to engage and attract top talent. By aligning your content with your company values and culture, while creating engaging, visually appealing content, sharing content that demonstrates your company's expertise and thought leadership, you can showcase your company as a desirable place to work and become the employer of choice.

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On: 2023-01-15 18:00:23.005