Anya Hawkins's blog : What Is a Bean to Cup Machine and Should I Buy One?

Anya Hawkins's blog

Everywhere you look, there are coffee machines. Whether that's in a coffee shop, at the supermarket or even in your next-door neighbour's kitchen. Almost everyone has some type of coffee making gadget to hand. But what's the best one to purchase? 

Whether you take research from reviews or your friends' experiences, more often than not you will often find citations of high-end coffee machines. Coffee bean grinders ... and most recently, bean to cup machines. 

But what exactly is a bean to cup machine and is it really worth all the hype? And money. For answers to undoubtedly your most frequently asked questions, see below. 

What is a bean to cup machine? 

A bean to cup machine is a high-end coffee machine. The highest grade (some may argue) of coffee gadgets.

Designed to operate in the comfort of your own home, or even an office, a bean to cup machine will provide you with a range of fresh coffee that you can make, and personalise, at the tip of your fingers. 

How does it work?

A bean to cup machine works a lot differently to filter, espresso and pods. Rather than use ground coffee, the machine will automatically grind coffee beans to extract a shot of espresso, however, there are a few types of different bean to cup machines. 

At one end, there’s the fully automatic, which is built to prepare the milk (to your liking) at the same time as the coffee. Ultimately combining the two ingredients to easily make a perfect cup of joe. 

On the other hand, there is the semi-automatic which provides a steamer arm as opposed to an automated milk frother. Perfect for those who are a bit choosier with their coffee, the steamer arm allows the user to be in control and heats the milk to their liking via their technique. 

Do I have to know all the technical stuff? 

Not necessarily. All coffee machines come with an instruction manual and some companies even go as far as including pamphlets guiding users on how to create barista-style coffees. However, if you’re not one for learning or will use a limited number of features, then explore your options and don’t dive straight in for a bean to cup machine

Are bean to cup machines expensive?

Admittedly, bean to cup machines are far more expensive than the average pod/filter, however, the quality of coffee does, to some degree, determine its price.

Although there are various makes and models, not forgetting the odd half-price sale every now and then, you can determine its money's worth based on how much coffee you consume as a person. 

If you find that you’re buying a cup of coffee three times a week, work out that price throughout the year, or even for however long you’ve been doing it. If you find that a bean to cup machine is around the same price, then you know this is something you can afford to have. 

Is this machine worth the money?

There are several factors to take consider when determining if a bean to cup machine is worth the money. Aside from calculating your caffeine intake and costs, choose a coffee machine that's convenient for you. 

For example, if you very rarely drink a full cup of coffee, and want something strong, quick and easy to digest, then an espresso machine would be a good choice. 

If you want the freshest coffee and enjoy a range of drinks, then a bean to cup machine is worth opting for. However, there is a multitude of designs, and therefore prices. Ultimately, the higher the price, the more versatile the machine. If you are only going to use a few features, don’t purchase the top range model. Nonetheless, if you’re up for a bit of experimenting and believe that these features may benefit you in the near future, then the better model may work best for you. 

Finally, always keep in mind that the majority of high-quality coffee machines will have a warranty or customer satisfaction guarantee, so you won’t be losing out on money for purchasing the ‘wrong one’. If possible, contact the company and explain the situation - within reason of course. If they’re a genuine company, they will take your feedback into consideration and do their utmost to ensure you’re left with a product you're pleased with. 

And on that note, don’t forget to do your research!


On: 2022-06-01 15:15:39.115