John Watson's blog : Roomba not connecting to WiFi

John Watson's blog

Is your Roomba not connecting to WiFi? No worries at all! We have put down some of the troubleshooting steps to fix the connectivity issue on your Roomba vacuum cleaner.

  1. First of all, you need to make sure that your router is not too far. 

  2. The distance between the Roomba vacuum and the router should be optimum. There will be more wireless interferences if the wireless signal has to travel longer. 

  3. After that, please ensure that your Wifi network is not overcrowded.

  4. Roomba vacuum cleaners need large amounts of data to function properly. Roomba won’t work properly if it is allotted very low bandwidth. 

  5. The base station of your Roomba vacuum cleaner should be plugged in. Ensure an adequate power supply to the Roomba vacuum.

  6. Please ensure that a WiFi LED on the Home Base is active. The Home Base re-charges your Roomba vacuum cleaner and makes it connect to the router’s wireless network. 

  7. If you still see your Roomba not connecting to WiFi network, kindly reset your robot vacuum cleaner to the factory default settings. 

  8. Simply remove the robot from the iRobot Home app and then reconfigure the device.

  • Technology
On: 2023-10-16 08:58:05.426