James Barrow's blog : Essay on Internet and its Effects

James Barrow's blog

Internet: How it has affected the American Society The Internet is a global computer network that links millions of computers all over the world. Since the second part of the previous century, Internet technology has advanced rapidly. The internet has become entwined with all of our major aspects and areas of existence. It's tough to believe that our routine activities, which were before simple, may become much simpler. As a result, the Internet has had both positive and harmful impacts. But, in the end, the majority of Americans require Internet in their daily lives.



One of the most common uses of the Internet, in my opinion, is educational capstone project help in character. People use online public libraries to look for books. People look for belles-lettres, popular scientific literature, halfpenny horrors, classic literature, scientific literature, detective fiction, culinary books, and college textbooks, among other things. Many people look for information to use in writing various research papers, as well as online newspapers and periodicals (here Internet forces out some print editions). People participate in forums where they can ask questions, answer questions, and use online encyclopedias, among other things. Some people look for information for educational purposes, while others look for information for business purposes. Norman N. Hie and Lutz Erbring of the Stanford Institute for the Quantitative Study of Society1 conducted a study with 4000 participants, and found that all surveyed Internet users had used the Internet for educational purposes at least once.



Many Internet users use it for entertainment — around a third of those who took part in the Stanford University study did so. Teenagers, of course, utilize the Internet as a source of entertainment first and foremost — they play a variety of online games, watch TV shows, and listen to various online radio stations. Women enjoy reading horoscopes and publications, as well as watching fashion shows. Lonely people can find their own "second half" — there are numerous companies that assist people in finding one other not only in America, but all around the world. Year after year, the percentage of weddings between couples who met on the internet rises.



Communication is the next most common Internet application. IP telephone, Web cameras, chat rooms, ICQ, and e-mail are all included. E-mail has become one of the most common forms of communication, with “90 percent of all Internet users claiming to be e-mailers.” 2. Internet communications became widespread in various areas, such as business communications, personal contacts, resumes, recommendation letters, and so on.



In the business world, the Internet has become an indispensable tool since it allows businesses to operate from a single location anywhere in the world. Multinational corporations, I believe, value the Internet as a business tool more than others. People can purchase goods and services from all over the world. E-banking, online payments, stock trading, foreign exchange trades, and other business activities can all be done via the Internet. Many Americans prefer online shopping to traditional shopping because it saves them time and energy, and it's also lot easier to find rare delicacies on the internet than it is to go shopping in a bunch of different stores.



The following are some of the most significant negative aspects of the Internet: – pornography (especially among children); – swindle (many people paid money and received nothing); – societal dependence not only on computers but also on the Internet – hackers' attacks frequently cause damage to many companies and paralyze their operations; – psychological dependence on the internet – many people rely on the internet for information; – societal dependence not only on computers but also on the Internet – many people rely on the



Finally, I'd like to consolidate my observations and draw a broad conclusion: the majority of Americans use the internet in their daily lives programming assignment help; it has become an indispensable tool in business, education, communication, and entertainment.





The Internet has given rise to negative events such as pornography and swindle; our society's dependence on the Internet; and personal psychological dependence on the Internet; however, the positive aspects of the Internet outweigh the negative aspects, and thus Internet technologies continue to develop and spread. People will increasingly rely on the Internet in the future, and no one can foretell the repercussions of such contact and reliance between humans and technology.





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