Mark Harry's blog : How to Prepare Your Resume to Be Easy Found in Recruiters Software

Mark Harry's blog

Are you trying to make your resume stand out so recruiters can find it easily? I have some tips for you. These recommendations come from Affinda Resume Parser. They will help you create a resume that is easy for software to read. Let’s get started!

Use Clear Section Headings

Your resume should have clear section headings. Headings like “Experience” and “Education” help the software understand the different parts of your resume. Use bold or bigger text for the headings. Make sure they are easy to spot.

Simple and Clean Format

The format of your resume should be simple and clean. Avoid using too many colors and fancy fonts. Stick to standard fonts like Arial or Times New Roman. The software reads text better if it is simple. Make sure the layout is not too complicated.

Use Keywords

Keywords are very important. Think about the words recruiters might use to search for candidates. If you are applying for a marketing job use words like “marketing” and “SEO”. Look at the job description and use similar words in your resume. This helps the software match your resume with the job.

Bullet Points for Lists

When you list your skills or experience use bullet points. Bullet points make it easier for the software to read your resume. Each point should be short and to the point. For example, “Managed social media accounts” or “Increased sales by 20%”.

Standard Job Titles

Use standard job titles. If you have a unique job title change it to something more common. For example, instead of “Social Media Guru” use “Social Media Manager”. This makes it easier for the software to understand your experience.

Contact Information

Your contact information should be easy to find. Put it at the top of your resume. Include your phone number and email address. Make sure the email address is professional. Avoid using nicknames in your email address.

Quantify Achievements

When you talk about your achievements use numbers. Numbers stand out and are easy for the software to read. For example, “Increased sales by 20%” or “Managed a team of 10 people”. This makes your achievements more impressive.

Consistent Formatting

Keep the formatting consistent throughout your resume. Use the same font and size for the main text. Make sure the headings are the same style. Consistent formatting makes your resume look professional and easier for the software to read.

No Images or Graphics

Avoid using images or graphics in your resume. The software might not read them correctly. Stick to text only. If you need to include a photo or logo, put it in a separate file.


Before you send your resume proofread it. Check for spelling mistakes and make sure all the information is correct. A clean and error-free resume looks more professional and is easier for the software to read.


So these are the tips from Affinda Resume Parser(try to parse your resume here) to help you prepare your resume. A clear and simple format with the right keywords and consistent formatting will make your resume stand out. Recruiters will find it easier and faster. Good luck with your job search!

On: 2024-06-03 05:41:02.111