Issac Torres's blog : IT Services in Fairfax and Business Development: How Can a Computer Agency Help Your Venture Flourish?
In today’s technologically advanced markets, the number one thing that can improve the overall performance and profitability of modern businesses is adaptability to industry trends and partaking in innovations that address the principal demands of target audiences. Sure, perhaps at first, you didn’t prioritize your venture’s back-end infrastructure, and you focused more on the services and products delivered to target customers. But, after a certain level, the long-term stability of profit-focused enterprises is dictated by the measures taken to secure data and improve their IT infrastructure.
Let’s say you are the administrator of a company near DC, perhaps in Fairfax or Arlington. Why should you make use of external IT services? A couple of reasons, actually, data security being number one. A computer specialist who provides IT services in Fairfax or the surrounding area will not just be a round-the-clock IT support aid for your teams. No, in reality, the specialist you call will do everything in his power to prevent external cyber attacks and keep your venture compliant with data protection regulations. Are you active in finance, and do you deal with credit card data storage? Then, the IT specialist you work with will need to ensure you follow the PCI-DSS regulatory frame.
Do you collaborate with EU-based customers? If so, he’ll guarantee that your services are compliant with the GDPR. On top of that, the IT support professional will scale up your network infrastructure, monitor your services’ uptime from a remote location, migrate a significant percentage of your private informational data to cloud solutions, and automate the update process of your work-essential software applications. Some of these tasks can indeed be performed internally by your employees. However, by doing so, their attention will be distracted from the other departments of your venture that require ongoing surveillance.
People Care About the Security of Online Services
Fairfax and Arlington are not exactly the largest or most well-known cities in the continental United States. That said, their close proximity to DC has transformed them, in recent years, into IT hubs, home to some of the most important companies in Northern Virginia. Are you active here? In that case, you may face a problem. In 2024, approximately 79% of Internationally present companies were targeted by external cyber-attacks, and the situation in DC and the nearby area is probably even worse, as the capital of the United States has been a prime target for sophisticated cybernetic intrusions for some years now.
Data security is one of the most underrated elements that can make or break the long-term development of modern businesses, as online privacy is a priority for more than 92% of Americans familiarized with internet services. Do you want your venture to succeed and avoid persecution from regulatory bodies? Then, you will need to prioritize the security of your services. How can you do this? By utilizing the expertise of a professional technician who offers IT support in Arlington and the nearby area.
How Will an IT Services Provider Help with Data Security?
To start with, the provider of IT services in Fairfax that handles your case will perform an audit of your venture’s back-end security systems and note any potential vulnerability that might be exploited by a technically gifted digital intruder. The specialist you call might deploy DPI-based firewalls or next-gen IDPS, make use of WAFs, which are especially useful if you leverage web applications vulnerable to SQLi, and set up access control lists with the express purpose of blocking any unrecognized or unauthorized connection from accessing your network.
On top of that, the specialist in IT support in Arlington that handles your case will restrict your employee’s access to your network’s back-end resources, implement multi-factor authentication on all your work-relevant accounts, encrypt your data files with AES-256-CBC software like WinZip or AES Crypt, and use DLP policies like PII Protection and BYOD Control to eliminate the risk of data leaks from your employee’s work machines. Not least, the specialist dealing with your case will deploy automatic backups of your data and develop an incident response plan that follows the recommendations laid out in the Computer Security Incident Handling Guide.
How Can an IT Specialist Improve Your Work Machine’s Functionality?
In short? Hardware upgrades and software optimization. Do you want to speed up your workstation and bring new life to an old PC you thought of replacing? In that case, one cost-efficient option to consider is to let your IT specialist perform a RAM install. Perhaps it’s not as noticeable of an upgrade as going from an HDD to an SSD. However, RAM bandwidth has improved greatly in the last couple of years, and now, DDR4 and DDR5 RAM sticks are considered essential for work-focused systems.
While most DDR3 RAM sticks only have a bandwidth between 820 to 2133MHz, DDR5 ones start at 4800MHz and can go as high as 8400MHz. Plus, the minimum RAM requirements of modern systems have grown over time. Machines running on the 64-bit version of Windows 10, for example, only had a minimum RAM requirement of 2GB. Now, however, with Windows 11, that value has doubled. But let’s say you are looking for even more upgrades. In that case, your PC specialist might consider replacing your old SATA SSDs with newer NVMe ones or developing a custom NAS with a RAID 5 configuration that offers a good balance between redundancy and speed.
Is your system’s hardware still good enough for your venture’s operations, but have you noticed a slight deep in software performance? Then, maybe some tweaks are in order. Your IT specialist could try overclocking your CPU in BIOS or check whether hardware acceleration has been accidentally disabled in the applications used by your employees. To top it off, the professional technician who’s dealing with your firm’s IT requirements will update your workstation drivers, optimize their boot sequences, and disable unnecessary services that eat up your system’s resources.