Mandy Lowe's blog : 10+ Programming Keyboard Shortcuts to Help You Make Your Life Easier!

Mandy Lowe's blog

For a developer, knowing what key to press and when to press it can be the biggest asset. Programming help experts suggest that writing code and creating a program is not just limited to developing a function or module, it is about speeding things up and taking them up a notch every time you use them. Programmers usually spend the majority of their day in front of a keyboard and a screen. While working on a programming platform is not easy, knowing keyboard shortcuts for quick accessibility can make things better for the student. All the pro developers use shortcuts to save, copy, paste and navigate through the program. These shortcuts were designed to fasten their task as well as make things easier for them. In this article, you will find 15+ shortcuts that you can use while working on a programming environment to smoothen the process and make it more and more productive. Without further ado, take a look at the list of shortcuts given below, and do not forget to bookmark the article. 

Keyboard Shortcuts for Programmers: - 

1. Scrolling Through Errors (F2)

2. Duplicate a Line (Ctrl + D)

3. Choose a File (Ctrl + N)

4. Choose a Class (Ctrl + Shift + N)

5. Add a Dart file ( Alt + A)

6. Add a Package (Alt + P)

7. Refactoring and shifting (Shift + F6)

8. Navigate to Declaration (Ctrl + B)

9. Toggle Quick Actions ( Ctrl + Shift + A)

10. Select the Previous Chunk of Code (Shift + Alt +Right Arrow)

11. Toggle through comments (Ctrl + / )  

Using these shortcuts, you can complete your development tasks without any issues. Knowing what to type when you are stuck is all that matters while programming. Taking assistance can be a great option when you get stuck. However, learning makes a lot of difference. It hardly takes a week to implement all these shortcuts and grasp them. You can also understand how important it is to know these commands as these are the basic time-consuming tasks that one has to complete no matter which program one develops. Knowing these shortcuts can make life easier for your future.  


These are the shortcuts that you can use and enhance your programming skills. Remembering these shortcuts is not that difficult as all you have to do is keep practicing with them. The more you use, the better you get command of them. It is a great way to remember different keys and shortcuts related to them. Students from various universities move to Australia as the IT sector opportunities for engineers are abundant in the country. Many students try their luck to get a well-paid job, but they are unable to pass with flying colors as they do not know how to complete their programs efficiently. 

  • Expert
On: 2021-08-19 05:20:35.404