Jobhop Jobhop's blog : What Does a Social Media Assistant Do?

Jobhop Jobhop's blog

You often hear about social media manager jobs but what if you haven’t got the experience to be a social media manager yet, what's another social media job role could you do?

If you have some social media marketing experience, perhaps you’ve been a social media marketing apprentice or intern, then you could position yourself for a social media assistant role.

It will depend on the size of the company you’ll be working for, but usually, you’ll be working within the marketing team reporting to the marketing manager or the social media marketing manager. Again, depending on the size of the company, you may have to work very closely with a community manager, these people are the online, social, customer service peeps. Community managers are the people responsible for answering customers questions across social media, chatting with potential clients, chatting to regulars, having friendly banter, signposting customers to the right destination, on-line brand management and more. As a social media assistant, it may be part of your social media job role to help out with community management during busy times, especially during a campaign.

The social media manager will be the person to create the campaigns, and the social media strategy, parts of that strategy will be the social media tactics, as a social media assistant you will be working mainly on the tactics.

The types of social media tactics could be:

  • Using Twitter to broadcast snippets of knowledge with links back to the website 
  • Organising Twitter chats and live streaming
  • Creating visuals to coincide with industry trends 
  • Vlogging 
  • Updating the blog and website regularly
  • Sound biting the blog for broadcast snippets
  • Re-purposing content for other platforms, for example, stripping the audio from a video to use on a podcast or taking the transcript to use for a Slideshare presentation 
  • Being in control of the Snapchat or Instagram account to create stories on certain days
  • Running the Facebook page 
  • Research for the marketing plan
  • Being reactive to trends

The above is just an idea of what could be involved but every company will work differently. The usual rule of thumb is that the social media assistant is part of a team consisting of a content creator, online advertising specialist, marketing executive, as well as the community manager and the social media manager. Because marketing and recruitment have now merged, the social media assistant could also find themselves working on talent attraction, social media tactics.

If you decide that your dream job is in social media marketing, then one thing is for sure, you’ll never have a dull day! 

JOIN Jobhop and spread the word. 

  • Social media
On: 2016-08-21 16:30:35.923