Jobhop Jobhop's blog : Twitter Your Way To A Job

Jobhop Jobhop's blog

How many times do we say employers now search on line for candidates ?

How could you use Twitter to Twitter your way to a job?

If an employer searched for you online would they find you on Twitter?

How could you lure the perfect employer by changing your Twitter name? Perhaps  @salesexecsteve  @phpdeveloperPaul  @ GraphicdesignJill may be more attractive to an employer.

Do you make sure that your tweets are linking back to your professional profile? (Your Jobhop Profile ) Is your profile packed out with the expertise and skills that an employer is looking for?

Link your tweet back to your Jobhop blog, your future employer can then leave a comment for you.

Follow the companies on Twitter that you want to work for and engage in conversations with them. If they're asking questions make sure you reply with the answers, even if you have to google the answers!

Set up a stream on TweetDeck or Hootsuite for the companies that you want to work at and follow their conversations.

Set up a Twitter list for Recruiters, check into it daily and see what new jobs they’re looking to fill.

Why not try and get a job at Twitter,  follow their recruitment department @JoinTheFlock

Twitter is another platform for you to build relationships with the right people. Before you know it you will be at the forefront of employers minds when it comes to them filling a vacancy.

JOIN Jobhop and spread the word.


Julie Bishop

  • Jobs
  • Social media
On: 2015-04-25 20:23:46.827