Jobhop Jobhop's blog : How To Make Sure That You Attract The Right Employees

Jobhop Jobhop's blog

Every business wants to attract new talent through their doors.

However, you need to make sure that you attract the right talent. The wrong employee can have a disastrous effect on your team’s productivity and will waste both your and the new employee’s time. Here is how you can help ensure that you always attract the right employee.

Choose a suitable place to advertise

Often, where you advertise is a crucial step. Think about the kind of candidate you want and then think about where you would be likely to find them. Professional social networks such as LinkedIn are great for seeking out specific candidates and for advertising to a particular type of candidate. Internet job boards are more scattershot, but you can still find great candidates on them.

Find out about candidates’ personalities 

Your new employee might be knowledgeable and very well qualified for their new job. They might get all of their work done on time to a high standard. However, they may not chat to people around them and perhaps not seem comfortable with your pep talks and group meetings. In short, they don’t fit your company culture. However, this is at least partly on you. You need to make sure that, when you recruit, you showcase your company culture at every step. Your job description needs to highlight the importance of your company culture and the significance of finding the employee to fit that. The interview needs to ask questions about how candidates would describe their ideal office scenario.

Showcase yours

When people are interested in applying for a role, the standard thing they’ll do is Google it. Your website needs to show your company culture through stuff such as blog posts, staff profiles and videos. Blog posts can be about anything from a staff member’s anniversary to a list of your team’s favourite YouTube videos. Staff profiles are an excellent way of letting your employees bring their personality to the business website. Videos can be another effective way to show off your company culture. You could do a video panning your whole office, showing a typical day at work. You can also create your own marketing videos that show off what your company is good at.

Be clear about what you expect

The job description needs to be extremely accurate and clearly written to ensure that all of the new employee’s responsibilities are plain to see. If you forget to include something that they will need to know or be skilled in then you could end up attracting people who can’t do the job. The same goes for your interviewing – ensure that you test your interviewee and get a good sense of their capabilities before you give them the job. 


The right employee is one who does the job you want them to do and does it well, while also fitting into your company culture.

Hopefully, this guide will help you to find the right employee.

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  • Expert
On: 2018-08-24 10:34:08.65