Jobhop Jobhop's blog : How to Commit to Self Development at Work

Jobhop Jobhop's blog

Self development and growing is an essential part of any long-term career.

Not only will putting in the time and effort for self-development mean that you can maybe take on more responsibilities, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. 

But with regular tasks likely taking up the majority of your working hours, it can be hard to find the time to dedicate to learning. Even if your employer is supportive of your ongoing progression, it’s difficult to step away from everyday responsibilities – maybe you’re just too busy, or perhaps you’re worried about taking time out and the impact that will have on your coworkers. Whatever the reason, it’s easy to keep self-development on the back burner.

In this post, we discuss three steps to help you keep on track with your learning goals to allow you to achieve personal success and progression.

Get advice on your goals

If you want to improve your skill set, but don’t know where to start, it can be hard to get motivated. Inspiration can come in many forms – try to read articles and interviews with relevant industry experts, research training options, and speak to your colleagues to see if they’ve done any courses they’d recommend. When you’ve got your list, you can sit down and decide which of the options will best suit the amount of time and effort you want to put in.

You could also consider speaking to a career coach, particularly if you need some external accountability to keep you on track. They’ll be able to help you examine your strengths and weaknesses so that you can create a targeted plan.

Create a plan for yourself

Many of us struggle to commit to self-development because we set goals that are too large, require a lot of time and dedication, and then quickly become overwhelming. Instead, break down your overall goals into smaller, more manageable chunks. Not only will you be more likely to make time for them, but it can also be satisfying to tick off multiple smaller achievements, rather than just simply one big one. 

Whether it’s a list, notes on your phone or a full-blown spreadsheet, make sure to set out the steps and milestones that you want to achieve. Seeing those small wins build-up will be sure to keep you motivated.

Block out dedicated time

One of the big reasons many people don’t meet their self-development goals is that they are too busy. If you already have a busy work schedule, you may not have enough time to focus solely on any training. 

Particularly if you have training courses that you want to complete, it can be worth speaking with your manager to see if you can block out a day or a half day per quarter to focus purely on developing your skill set. If you’re asking for this, make sure that the things you’re learning are going to be beneficial for your current role – you’re unlikely to get time off to gain experience for a future job. 

Alternatively, if you prefer smaller chunks of time, you could also block out an hour or two in your calendar per week, so that you have some meeting-free time to focus. Make sure that your colleagues know that you won’t be available for regular queries during this time, so that you don’t get disturbed.

Expand your skills

By following these steps, you can move forward with your self-development at work and start to see the benefits of up-skilling. Achieving your goals can provide you with a strong sense of achievement and improve your self-worth and confidence, so it’s well worth making the time. 

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On: 2023-02-16 13:14:10.257