Jimy Medical's blog : The Most Common ENT Problems and the Instruments used to solve them

Jimy Medical's blog

Ear, nose and throat (ENT) conditions account for about 20% of all consultations in adults and 40% in children. Ear and kidney problems are common in society and even more common in children. In addition to seasonal variations and environmental pollution, immature immune systems in young children and the elderly and lifestyle changes such as overuse of hearing aids also contribute to ear, nose and throat problems.

Some lifestyle changes can help control these problems with the latest treatments and Ent instruments, but there are also a range of medical treatments available. Find out about the most common ear, nose and throat problems and their treatment options.


A cholesteatoma is a skin tumor in the middle ear, behind the eardrum. It develops into a cyst that tears away old skin and grows over time until it destroys the surrounding soft tissue and earbones.

Symptoms include foul-smelling discharge from the ear, pressure in the ear and hearing loss, depending on the size of the cholesteatoma. Patients may also complain of dizziness or muscle weakness on one side of the face.


Inflammation of the middle ear causes hearing loss in children. Infected people or children may have a fever, hearing loss, vomiting, dizziness, ear discharge and ear pressure. It is caused by blockage of the eustachian tube due to colds, allergies or upper respiratory tract infections.

Gastric Reflux

Laryngo-pharyngeal reflux, also called gastric reflux, is the backflow of food or stomach acid into the larynx or pharynx. Although it occurs in the throat, it is mainly caused by a poor digestive system.

Patients complain of hoarseness or coughing and have difficulty swallowing and heartburn. The patient's throat is properly examined and a treatment plan is recommended.

Meniere's Disease

A disorder of the inner ear that can cause dizziness and even hearing loss. It can occur at any age but is more common in women aged 40-60. Some symptoms include recurrent dizziness, hearing loss, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), or a sensation of fullness in the ears.

Sometimes hearing loss is treated by an audiologist by fitting a hearing aid. Surgery is only necessary as a last resort in severe cases. Endolymphatic surgery is done to reduce fluid production or to remove fluid from the inner ear. Lifestyle changes are necessary to cure the disease from within.


Sinuses are empty chambers in the bones of the head that support speech. The problem starts when these chambers become inflamed due to a bacterial infection. The most common symptoms are headache, facial pain, runny nose, or nasal congestion.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea occurs when a person stops breathing completely or has difficulty breathing for a short period of time. The cycle repeats itself and leads to sleep disturbances. Symptoms include snoring, snoring, waking up tired or with a headache, memory problems, difficulty concentrating and light sleep.


Today, there is a solution for every medical problem as medical technology is very advanced and a wide range of surgical and non-surgical tools are available. In the rapidly evolving digital age, lifestyle changes are also essential for healthy living.

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On: 2022-12-08 05:16:39.906 http://jobhop.co.uk/blog/jimymedical/the-most-common-ent-problems-and-the-instruments-used-to-solve-them