Adam King's blog : Smiley Mature Women

RJ’s friends arrive. OSU gets it’s ass
handed to it yet again. Surprise? Always willing to see the good in everything…
Me: “I am so going to take advantage of some poor little vulnerable woman
RJ’s friends look at me. I am dead serious. These mature women need my
Sugar. I see a group of three mature girls on the dance floor. I try nudging RJ
to go in. He’s still nervous…
Me: “If you don’t go in, I will.”
Sometimes, guys get more comfortable when someone else goes in first. I pick
out the one I want. The hot black mature girl. I walk in. Look the black mature
girl up and down…
Me: “I like what I see. Do you like what you see?”
Her and her friends laugh. I grab her hand, and lead her over to the bar. No
permission necessary. Some guys always ask what I say to these mature girls,
and the truth of the matter is, I don’t say anything spectacular. I just see
something that I want and go for it. It’s as simple as that. I talk to the
black mature girl for maybe two minutes…
Me: “You are so beautiful. I never see any black mature girls like you. You
have to be one of the most beautiful black mature girls that I have ever seen
in my life.”
She laughs…
Me: “I know you’re not from around here, because there is no way you can live
around here and not have me notice you before. Where are you from, because I
know it isn’t from around here.”
Adding a layer of authenticity. I’m correct. She tells me and she isn’t from
around here…
Me: “I can’t even talk to you now.”
Her: “Why not!? It’s not like it’s a far drive.”
You know what? I want to kiss her. Time for my Statue Of Liberty routine, if
you wanna call it that…
Me: “You have nice lips. I wanna test them out.”
She starts speaking, and all I know is that she isn’t saying no, so I lightly
grab her by the bottom of her chin, turn her face towards me, look her in her
eyes, and we start kissing. RJ”s friends see me. I told you fuckers that I was
going to take advantage of some little vulnerable woman tonight.
I have what I want. I decide to give her my phone number and send her off to
her friends. I start walking away, and I look up and see that her friends are
in the opposite direction of her. I talk to them. They tell me that they’re
looking for her…
Me: “I’ll go find her for you.”
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I go find her. Grab her hand and lead her up to her friends. They thank me. Do
you not understand what just happened? Mature women are dying for men that know
what they want and aren’t afraid to go after it. You can be an aggressive guy
and still be a gentleman about things.
Brothers. RJ finally gets comfortable. He approaches a hot blonde. Things are
going well with her. Her friend, on the other hand? Looks pissed off. Her
friend is fat and ugly, but it’s not my job to hit on her anyway. All I have to
do is keep her occupied until RJ can get her friend’s number.
Ten minutes go this fat cow really giving me a hard time? I send RJ a
message, trying to get him to hurry up. I know that I’m not going to be able to
hold this cow much longer. She is the friend that no matter how nice you try to
be to her, and regardless of if you’re not hitting on her, she has a vendetta.
Five more minutes pass. She finally leaves, taking her friend with her. It’s
always the ugly ones that wanna give men a hard time.
I go sit at a table. See a mature girl with curly hair walking by. I stop her…
Me: “I love your hair.”
She asks me why and I tell her. Straight to the point…
Me: “Because mature girls with curly hair can’t run when we’re having sex.”
She’s still standing while I’m sitting. I flat out tell her that I am only
interested in sex with her. She continues to stay and talk to me for another
ten minutes. Can walk away anytime that she wants. Mature women can say a lot
of things about me, but never will they say that I beat around the bush. She
tells me the craziest place she ever had sex. With a woman in the movie
theatre. I’m trying to get my 50 cent on and get it in…
Me: “I bet I can make you squirt.”
She gives me a look. Gives me a shit test…
Her: “How do you know that you can make me squirt?”
Me: “I think I know what I’m capable of, sweetheart…I’ll show you.”
She then tells me that she really has to go pee and asks me to stick around.
Believable, as she was on her way somewhere by herself when I first stopped
her. Either way, it’s time to go. No time to wait around on her to return. In
front of Gaswerkz. I see a guy I grew up with…
Me: “Remember when I took your bitch from you in school?”
And I start laughing. He then sees a group of mature girls walking by…
Him: “How you doin’?”
His game is still as weak as ever…
Me: “Is that the best you've got? You ain’t never going to get any pussy saying
shit like that to mature girls. I’ll show you how it’s done.”
Him: “Oh show me how it’s done. I wanna see.”
And his cronies with him say the same thing. Want me to show ‘em how it’s done.
Sigh. I tell them to follow me. As soon as we get inside, I approach the first
two mature girls I see. Introduce myself. Start talking to them. Introduce RJ.
My old buddy and his cronies disappear. Some guys just can’t take the blow to
their egos.
We talk to these mature girls for maybe ten minutes. They tell me that they’re
from Toledo and point out everyone that they’re with. I do a headcount. Too
many people. This is a bad set that isn’t going to go anywhere. I remember what
happened with that Cleveland chick. Never to forget a lesson like that, I tell
them that I have to leave and walk away. Not going to make the same mistake
On my way back to RJ, I see a mature girl from another night…
Me: “You are so goddamn beautiful.”
She starts laughing…
Her: “I know you. What’s your name?”
Me: “We met before.”
We keep talking. Eye to eye. Face to face. Hand on the lower part of her waist.
I look behind me. One of the guys I always see her with is staring at me. Yeah,
I got yo’ chick. I look her back in her eyes…
Me: “Look, I gotta go. I don’t want your little boyfriend to beat me up.”
And she starts giggling. I smile and walk back over to RJ.
Bar 23. RJ goes after one more set. Four mature girls that are with four guys.
Very ambitious of him. He goes in. I see him isolate a mature girl. He might
just get a makeout…
RJ: “I’m attracted to you, are you attracted to me?”
Her: “Why you gotta put me on the spot like that?”
He then says the wrong thing. In that situation, you don’t explain yourself.
You keep your poise and tell her that it was a yes or no question. Also, he is
smiling, indicating that he is joking or isn’t serious. When you ask a serious
question, you must keep a serious face, and turn down the smiley boy stuff. He
also keeps sipping out of his drink every two seconds. A sign of nervousness. Mature
women catch on to little subtle signals like that.
He then tells me to hold on. He’s going to push this set as far as he can.
Tries inviting all four mature girls back. A sign of greatness. That’s the
difference between guys who end up getting a lot of pussy, and guys who don’t
get any at all. Their sheer determination to make something happen and
unwillingness to accept failure.