Deved BIBI's blog : What is Quran?

Deved BIBI's blog

The most conventional answer is that the Quran is a book, but it is not like most books. It is made up of words that contain truth and guidance for every human being, and Muslims believe that these are words revealed directly by God, in the Arabic language, to the last of His prophets and messengers, Muhammad ﷺ (peace be upon him).
The Quran presents itself with a number of names and descriptions that are worth reflecting on. Here are just a few:
  1. Quran and Kitab (Recital & Writing): the first means something recited aloud, and the second means something written down. This describes the two main ways this scripture is experienced, which you can encounter on this website.
  2. Kalam Allah (Divine Speech): This means that these words are a direct communication from the Creator and Master of every living being. It occupies the highest level of authority for its believers, and it is clarified and supported by the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ. While the language of this particular revelation was Arabic, we also have many translations into different languages, which help us understand its meanings.
  3. Dhikr and Huda (remembrance & guidance): the Quran is used as a way to connect with God and keep Him in our hearts and on our tongues. It is also fundamentally a guide for our personal lives and for the lives of the community and society.
The Quran is the final revealed message that complements and completes earlier revealed scriptures, just as the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ taught the same essential message as the many prophets before him, including Adam, Noah, Moses, Abraham, and Jesus (peace be upon them all). The Quran clarifies what humanity needs to know from now until the Day of Judgment, and it will remain preserved from loss and distortion, which affected previous scriptures in various ways.
"This is a blessed book that We have revealed to you, O Prophet, so that they may contemplate its verses and people of reason may be mindful." 38:29
We welcome you to and invite you to read and listen to the Quran with an open heart, to deeply contemplate its verses, to sincerely seek the knowledge contained within it, and to learn more using the resources on our site. We hope you will find beneficial, and we pray that the message of the Quran will enrich your life’s journey. 

So, Allah Almighty said in ayah No. 26 Surah Mulk,

"Say, O Muhammad, to them that the knowledge of this hour, this promise, the day of judgment is with Allah Almighty.”

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