Maks Romanov's blog : How to write an article correctly

Maks Romanov's blog

Many teachers and workers in other fields of activity are faced with the need to write scientific articles, either to confirm their professional status, or to present their experience or achievements. But the process of writing an article often becomes difficult and painful, and the result leaves much to be desired. To make this work easier and make the result worthy, we offer some tips.

When considering writing an article, first of all, you should remember that the problem should be identified in it, the existing attempts to solve it are described and your method of solving the problem is considered or the arguments you have collected in favor of one of the solutions are given. Based on this, the structure of the article can be distinguished:

  • description of the problem and its relevance;
  • a description of the available solutions to the problem;
  • the author's suggestions for solving the problem;
  • the possibility of using the proposed solution.

The first difficulties arise with the description of the problem and its relevance. I really want to go the simple way, take the already existing solid works and just copy a couple of paragraphs from there. To avoid this, go to the Website and encourages your brain to think creatively. But this is a dead-end path, your article will not pass the anti-plagiarism test, and just any editor will immediately detect borrowing without specifying a link to the author. If you copy this couple of paragraphs and put a link, then again the question will arise: if the article is yours, then why is the text one continuous quote. Therefore, simply retell the material you have read on the problem, even if it does not work out so smoothly, beautifully and highly scientific, but it will definitely be the author's text, in which you can insert one or two quotes or links to famous authors. Sometimes it is difficult to describe the urgency of the problem, but this is easy to deal with.

When describing existing ways to solve a problem, proceed in the same way, just retell what you learned on this issue and you can put one or two quotes or links in the text. To see how this is done go to this website see how experienced writers do it. If there are many ways or attempts to solve them, you do not need to get carried away with listing and describing them, stop at two or three of the most famous or most interesting ones, otherwise your article will lose its meaning, turn into a retelling of what everyone already knows. It is also possible that there is no solution to your problem. Then it is necessary to describe the reasons for this situation.

What follows is a presentation of your personal experience directly, so here it is advisable to do without quotes and references. This needs to be properly designed and bidforwriting is indispensable. This could be a description of a study you have conducted that solves the problem you have raised. There may be a generalization of work experience that allows you to move towards a solution to the problem. There may be a proposal for the use of new techniques, etc.

At the end of the article, it is necessary to show that what you have stated above will be useful, important, necessary for use by your colleagues in the field of activity where you work.

An important point when writing an article is its correct design. First, carefully look at the design requirements of the publication where you send your article . Compliance with these requirements is an elementary act of respect and ethics on your part.

The title of the article should not be excessively long and contain abbreviations and abbreviations. The title should reflect the main idea of ​​your article and be scientific, not journalistic in nature. For example, the title of the article "Who are the judges ..." or "Merry starts in our preschool educational institution" are unacceptable.

The title is followed by information about the author and co-authors, if any. The surname, first name and patronymic must be written in full, then the scientific degree, academic title, if any, position and place of work in full.

This is followed by an abstract to the article and keywords. The abstract sets out in a concise form the main idea of ​​the article, the volume of the abstract should not exceed 600 characters together with spaces, and also the abstract should not contain abbreviations and abbreviations. Key words no more than 5-8.

In the text of the article, special attention should be paid to the design of citations and links. They are formatted with square brackets, which indicate the number of the source from the list of references and the page number of the source to which you refer, for example [2, p. 5]. Thus, ALL references to authors and publications that are found in the article and ALL citations should be formalized. ALL the sources to which you refer must be in the list of references and their numbers in the link and in the list must match, this work can only be done correctly by you, since the editor cannot be aware of all citations, all sources and authors to which You are linking.

In order for the numbering of the list of references to be correct, it should be remembered that it is drawn up in a hierarchical order: first, regulatory legal acts, then printed publications, publications in foreign languages, then electronic publications. Sources in this hierarchy, in turn, are arranged in alphabetical order.

We hope that our article will help you in writing and formatting articles for journals and conference proceedings.

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On: 2021-10-18 10:37:23.97

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