Colin Lee's blog : The Structure of a Narrative Essay

Colin Lee's blog

While there are so many different kinds of essays, a narrative essay takes you on a journey. It tells the story and lifelike experiences. You are basically conveying what you have experienced to others. Using language that evokes the senses is mandatory and helps to give essential weightage to the essay. Keeping it real is important to ensure that there is no fiction involved.

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Structuring an essay is deeply necessary. One cannot successfully craft a narrative essay unless the proper structure is followed. There can be slight modifications but the crux remains the same. Here is how you write a killer narrative essay.



The most basic structure involves five paragraphs with an introduction, 3 body parts, and a conclusion. An essay writer knows the importance of setting such a structure. This can be modified based on the requirements. However, the basics remain the same and just need to be expanded to fit the needs.

The first paragraph introduces the topic and ends with a thesis that formulates the entire theme of the essay. An expert from an essay writing service can assist you in formulating the most impressive introduction. Do not forget to start the intro with a hook and end it with the thesis. The hook statement gathers the interest of the audience and then carries it through the introduction. 

The thesis for such an essay is imperative. Remember, it can be helpful to establish a thesis that contains all main points that are formulated into paragraphs. If you want to be a professional essay writer, then you must use the thesis statement properly. It holds the basis of the entire essay and must not be taken lightly. 

Body paragraphs support the theme and the ideas from the thesis. Use topic sentences to highlight the idea of the paragraph. Do not use multiple ideas within a single paragraph. This tends to create confusion and the reader may lose track of what you are trying to say. When concluding any paragraph, end with a transition sentence. It helps to connect one idea with another to form a cohesive structure that is easy to follow.

End the essay with a strong concluding paragraph. Mention the thesis again but with different wording. Can include some call to action if the essay topic demands it. There should be some sort of key takeaway in the final paragraph. Remember, if you are having issues writing the perfect closing, then a write my essay service can be of great help. They can provide guidance on how to make the conclusion work perfectly.


This is the most basic form of the narrative essay that one can establish. Depending upon the requirements of the prompt, the word count may increase. This can lead to an increase in the overall number of body paragraphs to best suit the ideas. You can add more ideas based on the requirements so flexibility has to be there. In case you need help with different structures, then do not rely on a cheap write my paper service. You do not want your mentors to not support you properly. Get some guidance from the best writers to start your writing. 


Basic prep is pivotal. You can research and recheck the facts. You can also develop an outline to give your ideas some proper directions. The outline can be used to follow the pattern and formulate the structure. Outline thus helps in the writing and planning process. Structuring becomes even easier by using all these tools that writers have at their disposal. The more expert you are in these, the easier it is to develop the narrative essay. If you have no time for writing you can contact a professional and ask to do my essay at a cheap price.


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