steave shawn's blog : What is Technical SEO? Is It Important in 2022?

steave shawn's blog

Technical SEO components can greatly affect your website, yet many of the common mistakes we see are simple to correct.

In this article, I'll go over some of the most common reasons why your website isn't doing as well as you'd like.

What is Technical SEO?

The method you've set certain aspects of your website so that it may be indexed for the web is known as technical SEO. Crawling, indexing, site structure, transfers, page speeds, fundamental web vitals, and other behind-the-scenes issues are all covered.

This technique of SEO is vital because your site will be wrongly indexed if you don't do it. If this occurs, Google, Bing, Facebook, and other search engines will be unable to identify when to display your site on search results pages.

Doing a technical SEO audit on your website will verify that you have the necessary structure in place to make sure that all of your hard work is indexed and ranked!

Technical SEO: Six Factors to Consider



Search engines must be able to crawl and index your web pages before interested users can access it in the SERPs. Crawlers analyze your website's links to travel between pages, sending more data to Google's databases with each new URL they come across. Crawlability difficulties occur when crawlers are unable to efficiently explore your website or reach certain parts of it. Crawler-missed pages will not surface in search engine results.

Steps to Take Next:

·        Configure the robots.txt file.

·        Make a sitemap in XML format.

·        Google should receive your sitemap.

Page Speed:


Page speed is one of the ranking elements used by Google in their search algorithm, according to Google. Google assesses the speed and efficiency of every web page in the index and adjusts its search ranks actual measurements from its own test systems and internet traffic data from Chrome User Experience Report. The user experience of website visitors can also be influenced by page speed. Faster page loading speeds have been linked to a reduced bounce rate, longer time spent on-page, more conversions, and more income in studies.

Steps to Take Next:

·        Use Google PageSpeed Tools to examine your website, determine how quickly your pages load, and identify technical improvement options to increase page speed.



Search engines don't want to lead their visitors to websites where their personal information is at risk owing to a lack of data protection. When users visit your website or interact with you online, they expect security and privacy. Security Socket Layer (SSL) is the mainstream technology for protecting data transfer between your website and a client browser (SSL). Google places a premium on websites that have a valid SSL certificate. Even if a security certificate is genuine, configuration flaws might cause crawling/indexing problems and ranking penalties.

Steps to Take Next:

  • ·        Install SSL on your site.
  • ·        For additional information on adopting SSL as part of technical SEO, see Google's HTTPS guidelines.

Page & Content Problems:


Problems with the web page and content navigation, interlinking, and repetition can have a major negative influence on your search rankings. Some websites generate several copies of the same page, and crawlers have no way of knowing which one should be indexed. Duplicate data is also disliked by search engines (it's considered spam), thus any duplication of pages will most certainly affect your search rankings. Another problem that may be ignored in a page-level analysis but should be examined in a technical study is duplicate headers and title tags across pages.

Steps to Take Next:

·        When there are many copies of a page, use canonical tags to notify search engines which one to index.

·        Avoid duplicating content on multiple pages of the website.

·        Avoid keyword cannibalism by optimizing each page of your website for a single focus term.

URL Structure & Internal Linking:


How easily and quickly crawlers can crawl and index your content is influenced by URL structure and internal linking. Each page's URL should be properly optimized to represent the page's content. Your website's content should be structured in a pyramid-shaped hierarchy, with your home page at the top, the most essential fundamental pages next, and a large base of supporting information bottom. This hierarchical content structure should be reflected in your website's internal linking structure. Internal links should allow both human and robot visitors to travel through the content hierarchy and find all of your material. Every item of content on your website should be reachable in three to four clicks from the home page.

Steps to Take Next:

·        Improve the structure of your URLs

·        Fix or eliminate broken 301 redirects to optimize the average crawl depth for all content.

·        Internal links that are broken should be fixed or removed (404s & 5xx error pages) 

Final Words:

In 2022, technical SEO will continue to be an important part of your total digital marketing strategy. Technical SEO enhances your SERP ranking possibilities and allows you to attract a flow of relevant, high-quality traffic to your website.

  • Digital
On: 2021-12-07 15:36:56.834