Jobhop Jobhop's blog : Tips for Take Your Dog to Work Day

Jobhop Jobhop's blog

Take Your Dog to Work Day is EVERY day at Jobhop! And that’s why we feel especially qualified to help you prepare to take your pup into the office. If you dream of convincing your boss to adopt a daily take-your-dog-to-work policy, now is your chance to show them that having pets around can positively affect productivity, mood and health. Here is how you can make Take Your Dog to Work Day the best day of the year…


Do an office check

No one will mind you bringing your dog into the office, right? Well, maybe. Check with your boss and co-workers to see if anyone is allergic, afraid or opposed to you bringing your dog to work on this special day. Be respectful of those who you work with and plan an alternate celebration if necessary.


Puppy-proof your workplace

If you plan on bringing your dog to work, make sure your work environment is safe. Remove poisonous plants, hide electrical cords and wires and secure toxic items such as permanent markers.


Plan your pet’s feeding times

During an important sales call is maybe not the best time for a puppy potty break. Plan your dog’s feeding time around your work schedule and be sure to choose an appropriate area for your dog to relieve himself afterwards.


Bring supplies

Preparation is half the battle on Take Your Dog to Work Day! If you don’t work in a space with a door that you can shut, it will be a good idea to take along a kennel or a baby gate to keep your pup within your area. That way, you’re able to keep an eye on the dog and also make sure he’s not bothering your co-workers or getting into trouble.

Also, take your dog’s bed or a blanket so he has somewhere cosy to rest while you’re working. A couple of toys should keep him busy, but steer clear of the squeaky ones for the sake of everyone else in the office! Remember to bring a water bowl from home or be sure the office has something you’re able to use.


Bring snacks

There is nothing a pup loves more than a treat, but you’ll also want to make sure he has healthy options while at the office. Not every one of your co-workers will know what’s okay for him to eat, so you should have healthy treats on hand for your colleagues to offer your pup and for reinforcing good behaviour. Also, don’t be afraid to tell your co-workers what your pup can’t eat to keep them from giving your pup, grapes, chocolate, and the like. To keep your pup busy throughout the day, bringing along his favourite chew may also be useful.



Planning ahead of time can help you and your dog to have the best possible day. Try to fit in a morning walk or play session before heading to the office so your pup isn’t overly hyper and has had a chance to relieve himself. If co-workers are bringing along their dogs, be sure they get on or at least have a plan for keeping them separated throughout the day. Also, if your pup isn’t familiar with the office, he might not know how to tell you when it’s time for a loo break, so you’ll need to act as his advocate as much as possible.


Avoid forcing co-workers to interact with your dog

Dog lovers will make themselves known but others may not want to play fetch or give your pup belly rubs, so be mindful of fellow employees’ time and space.


Have an exit strategy

Although most dogs enjoy Take Your Dog to Work Day, your pet might not. Should your pup become overly boisterous, withdrawn or agitated, consider taking him/her home. Never, under any circumstance, leave your pet alone in a vehicle while you’re at work.

Are you ready for it?

Last, be sure you have the time to keep an eye on your dog during the day and to monitor how he or she is doing.

Once you’ve got your supplies, snacks and schedule, you’re ready to tackle Take Your Dog to Work Day like a pro! Tweet us pictures of your dog over on Twitter and let us know how they get on! Here’s our office dog, Josie, who is in the office most of the time anyway, but she will also be joining us on Take Your Dog to Work Day!

We done some research over on Twitter to see if any of you take your dog to work and here are the pups we found...

Here is Thompson from Odyssey Boutique, who goes into work everyday!

And here is Arthur who goes into work everyday at Pittilla PR with Julie!

JOIN Jobhop and spread the word. 

Kyria Bush 

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On: 2017-06-29 10:01:32.195