Jobhop Jobhop's blog : How To Get A Marketing Job With No Qualifications

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There are two reasons why you should read this article – you are either under qualified or qualified in an area of expertise which has little or no connections to marketing. Marketing, being inseparable from the IT, is constantly progressing and changing. That is the reason why the most successful marketers are not the ones who had the best grades, but the ones who were able to adapt the best.

There are several things that you can do to keep up with the technology.

Volunteer your way into marketing

The best way to start learning is to jump right onto this speeding train and improvise. Many companies online (and offline) offer internship for the people who are interested. Also, jobs on UpWork often require different levels of knowledge, and you can start by doing some easier tasks for free.

Read books and watch webinars

There are many free e-books and webinars that you can read and watch for free nowadays. Also, many companies offer free e-books where you can find the basic knowledge in the areas that you are interested in. Webinars are mostly not free, but there are promotional ones where you can get a glimpse of different areas of marketing. Websites such as Hootsuite often have a huge collection of Webinars. 

Watch online courses

Many YouTubers offer free explanatory videos which deal with various branches of marketing. Most of them earn by you viewing their videos (through ads). This is why many professional marketers opt to give their knowledge for free on YouTube. Also, there are professional websites that offer courses. But even the ones you have to pay are affordable – websites such as Lynda often offer this kind of education.

Start up your own thing

The best way to learn marketing nowadays is to promote yourself or your idea/skill/business. That is why you should start working on self-promotion. After gaining the basic knowledge through courses, videos and books, try using all these strategies and tips and tricks on you. If you succeed, you are on the right track to land yourself a decent marketing job.

Offer to help a local business

Many local businesses that are led by older people are still completely unaware of the potential that digital marketing offers. If you know a business or even a music band that you deem not well (or not at all) presented to the world of the Internet, offer your help. You can start by creating the basic social media accounts such as Facebook page and Twitter. After that, you can talk to them and see how they want to promote themselves.

To sum up, no college degree will guarantee you a lifelong knowledge of digital marketing. With or without it, you need to learn and do most of the things by yourself. With all the knowledge on the internet right now, all you need is a bit of free time and motivation to learn. Of course, try not only to learn but to execute your knowledge immediately through various projects.

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Michael Ivanovic

  • Jobs
On: 2017-08-10 12:34:51.011