James Anderson's blog : Reasons to have a Miniature Horse as a Service Animal

James Anderson's blog

Do you love horses but are afraid of their massive size? Don't worry, a miniature horse is a great option for people who want to have this royal friend without its obvious large size. A miniature horse offers the best of both worlds as just like their larger counterparts, they are a natural guide for man.

Keeping an ESA needs a valid and legally sound ESA letter but having a service animal is different and you will not need to have any legal document to have and keep your animal. 

Besides their adorable demeanor and size, these horses work great as guides and service animals. Thinking about what makes these a great alternative to service dogs? Read on.

1. They are Cost Effective

A guide horse is more economical than a guide dog. It may sound strange but considering the cost of training and maintenance, this is true. Due to this high cost, many blind people cannot afford a service dog.

With a miniature horse, they can get the help easily. They cpst on their training is significantly low and they are quite low maintenance also.

2. They have Longer Life Span

On average, a service dog lives for 8 to 12 years. In case of a horse, this time span increases to up to 30 to 40 years with some living up to 50 years of age. While no one knows how much they would live, still, it is great to have someone who could stay with you for so long.

3. They are Calm and Universally Accepted

Horses could maintain their calm in even the most chaotic of situations. They could be easily controlled and unlike a dog, that could gallop when it sees something worth chasing, a horse could better controlled.

Besides, it is also more widely recognized as a service animal. At many places, a service dog is confused with a pet, which does not happen with a horse.

4. They are Suitable for Everyone

Have dog and hair allergies? You can have a miniature horse instead. Unlike dogs, they do not get fleas and only shed twice every year. They could also be trained to live in a house, a big house of course, and provide the needed help minus the allergies.

5. They have Great Vision and Memory

Horses have a legendary memory. It is said that they could remember things like dangerous situations for ages and could warn you when faced with a similar situation, which is great.

Additionally, they have an amazing 360 degree sight range that could see for long range and distance. Interestingly, it can also move its eyes individually and track danger from miles.

6. They are Highly Conscious and Robust

Since they are natural guides, they have an instinct of looking for and detecting danger. Since they remember dangerous situations very well and could detect obstacles and prevailing danger, they help their owners stay safe and out of danger.

Having a esa letter for housing service miniature horse is a great and unique experience and we are sure that your neighbors kids would love it too.

On: 2019-12-18 10:09:02.497 http://jobhop.co.uk/blog/7189/reasons-to-have-a-miniature-horse-as-a-service-animal

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